Tuesday, March 11, 2014


I'm off Facebook.  Initially for Lent.  Possibly for good.  I'm in love with Pinterest.  And I could report my daily activities to anybody via my Instagram photos.  But I'm off Facebook.  I was overwhelmed with information.  With thoughts and ideas and beliefs that weren't really even mine.  I don't need to have my already busy life busied with other people.  Period.  Kinda funny really.  Pinterest is full of folks I don't know who are doing amazing things that I would never think of and are clearly more organized, more crafty and more talented than I am.  And I love them.  Facebook is full of my 'friends' some of whom i've known for 20+ years and they post updates about their lives and activities and it drives me crazy.  Maybe because I know thats not how life really is.  Nobody is that perfect.  I know they are not that perfect. 

I hope to update this blog a bit more regularly.  A sentence or comment here and there...  Something.  Something to keep us folks that don't seem to fit into any one box moving forward.  I don't subscribe to any one group.  I don't call myself an unschooler, but I struggle somedays to call myself a homeschooler.  I'm a wife, which sounds pretty ordinary, until you learn that I also HAVE a wife.  But she wears dresses and makeup and carried our babies.  I'm in jeans and a hoodie with a beer watching the game.  So nope, not that box either. She is the breadwinner.  She pays the bills.   I'm in charge of the house.  The kids.  The shopping.  The doctor visits.  I'm the mom...  But nope, I don't really fit into that box either. 

So here is my blog.  Honest.  Boring.  Funny.  Sad.  Who knows?  Probably alot like life.  Everyday is a little bit the of routine and a little bit of different.  I'm raising 2 kids, 3 dogs, 2 cats and a wife.  Life isn't easy, but its worth it. And I promise to write about it. 

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